Does Size Really Matter to a Woman?

does size really matter
We men want everything BIG – either it is bank account, home, car or bulge under pants. It seems many men are unhappy with their natural penis size and they often seem asking

Does penis size really matter to most women?

Well if you ask this question from any reputable sexologist then you probably hear these words “Size Doesn’t Matter”

They are probably right… Size doesn’t matter to women with high values but what they don’t understand is

Penis Size Matters A Lot To Men, Maybe Not For Women
penis size matters a lot to men
Maybe your women don’t want to see big penis but I am sure the big penis under your pants will give great boost in your confidence that will definitely improve your performance in bed and your women will happy to see a MOUTHFUL of penis to play with.

However, the problem is most men compare their penis with the one they saw in the adult movies. Male enhancement industry is banking billions every year because they are working in one same direction – To make men believe bigger penis is the key to women’s pleasure and orgasm.

Additionally, manufacturers of male enhancement products hire top marketing guy to feed one thing into every man’s mind and that is – Bigger Penis stretches vagina more and penetrates deeper.


This doesn’t mean you have to give up every hope for bigger penis… Adding an inch or two (instantly!! just before intercourse) will definitely increase your confidence in bed.

What? Instantly?

Yes!! I say Yes!! It is possible to increase your penis size instantly just before intercourse. Think about having an inch bigger penis in your intercourse… Your girl will surely surprise and maybe she likes to have it in her mouth.

But, before I talk about some instant ways to increase penis size let me give you an overview on average penis size.

What is The Average Penis Size?

Currently you may be very much concern about your penis size but when it comes to penis size most men fall in the category of normal range. There are very few cases of penis size that fall in either small or long category.

There are only 0.5% men that are having small penis (called micro-penis) in which penis size is less than 2 inches when fully erect and in long category there are very few even (less than 0.5%) men that have penis size above 9 inches. Jonah Falcon is the leading guy who is having penis size of 13.5 inches (which is difficult or almost impossible for safe penetrative sex).

So what is the average penis size?

Is it too big?

There was a research by British University of Urology in which over 15,000 men asked to post their penis size. At the end of this research it is concluded that the average size of penis is just 5.2 inches. But this research is not conclusive because men have to enter their penis size by themselves and most probably men with small penis don’t take part in this research. Additionally, in this study on 1,661 men it is found that average men penis size is 5.5 inches.

This proved that if your penis size is near 5 inches then it is in average range. However by adding an inch or two will definitely boost your confidence which also improve your performance in bed and your girl will like it as well.

Ok, now take a look on some ways to increase penis size instantly.

Increase Your Penis Size Instantly:

Penis Enlargement Pumps:

Do you have just 20 minutes before sexual encounter?


By using latest technology water-based pump like Bathmate for just 20 minutes you can see increase in penis length and girth. This gain will remain throughout the intercourse and you will enjoy benefit of bigger and stronger penis. This instant gain is temporary but by using penis pump for long term you will get permanent increase in your penis size.

If you want results even more quickly take a look on other options as well…

Penis Enlargement Pills:

male extra penis enlargement pills
Yes!! Pills are another great way to increase penis size quickly. There are many pills available in the market and many of them are harmful and don’t provide results. This is the reason you should be very careful in selecting penis enlargement pills. Additionally, some researchers discovered traces of leads and harmful bacteria in penis enlargement pills.

However, there are few good penis enhancement pills that provide results in as little as 10 minutes. Yes, just 10 minutes and your penis will be standing like a statue of liberty.

I personally tried Male Extra and I was very impressed when I used it first time (Read: Male Extra review). There are no side effects of using Male Extra and you can use it daily for 60 days to get permanent increase in your penis size.

Not have even 10 minutes? No problem…Take a look on third option that provide results in just 10 seconds.

Penis Enlargement Oil:

Yes, with the help of penis enlargement oil you can get stronger, longer and powerful erection in just 10 seconds. I know there are many penis enlargement oils but I have tried only one and that is VigRX Oil.

Within just 10 seconds my penis is rock solid and I had great sex with my wife. VigRX Oil is manufactured with some great powerful ingredients that provide instant results. Just two drops and gentle massage for 10 seconds is enough to enjoy sex like never before.

There is only one side effect and that is you can’t get permanent result with enhancement oil even if you keep using it for 12 months or more.


In the end I would like to say although penis size doesn’t matter to most women but it matters a lot to our self-esteem, confidence and sexual performance. An inch bigger penis not only looks strong and hard but it also improves sexual performance that matters to most women. Additionally, by using water-based pump, herbal male enlargement pills and oil you can gain instant result and enjoy sex with longer and harder penis.

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